I had some dreams ... they were klowns in my koffee.

(With apologies to Carly Simon)

This is my journey through job transition from a toxic environment to a better life. Join me for a few thoughts and a few laughs along the way.
What are "klowns in my koffee"? They are the factors large and small that make you less than you are. A "klown" can be a grossly incompetent boss,
a short-sighted policy or a moronic coworker. They won't kill you, at least not immediately, but they abrade the soul
as you scrape past them to get through the day. Sometimes it's best to dump them out of the cup.


Day 168 - Off to College

Daily Kup (A Daily Diary of My Midlife Crisis)
Kollege Kid is now re-installed at college. She and her roommate have a lovely, quirky room on one of the upper floors of an old dormitory. It is complete with oak woodwork, a separate bathroom, windows that open and peep out of the dormers, and an actual couch inherited from a friend who dropped out.

I feel comfortable that she is well-launched. In the meanwhile, one small corner of our house is now uncluttered. See the BEFORE and AFTER pictures below.

A Warm Drink at Evening
People talk about raising children, though they really should say 'raising adults' since that's the actual objective.

The day that we take our daughter to college each year is always bittersweet. I got this poem from the college parent group where the topic of parting and gain/loss is much on the minds of the parents this week.

Untitled Poem by groundbreaking anthropologist Margaret Mead from her memoir Blackberry Winter: My Earlier Years
That I be not a restless ghost
Who haunts your footsteps as they pass
Beyond the point where you have left
Me standing in the newsprung grass,

You must be free to take a path
Whose end I feel no need to know,
No irking fever to be sure
You went where I would have you go.

Those who would fence the future in
between two walls of well-laid stones
But lay a ghost walk for themselves,
A dreary walk for dusty bones.

So you can go without regret
Away from this familiar land,
Leaving your kiss upon my hair
And all the future in your hands.

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