As the Midwest sinks into winter, we gather our scarves and jackets around us like life preservers and resolve to cling to the side of the boat resolutely until the arrival of spring.
I made a cloak today for Attila the Son's Halloween costume. He has a shiny red skull mask and a sickle. With black sweatpants and a black overshirt, he is ready to reap.
This was another day of solid progress, alternating between some solid writing, job hunting, and some home clean-up. Tomorrow is Daisy prep day to get everything ready for Saturday's first real troop meeting. The troop has grown to give-or-take 14 little girls from the 3 we started with. I have a day to get the troop website implemented and populated. In March, I wouldn't have known where to start but now I'm comfortable to take this on. Every once in a while, I have to stop and marvel about everything that I've learned since leaving the bondage of Porkus. On to the Promised Land!
Pimp My Career Transition
Have you noticed the commercial for a home improvement reality show on DIY Network starring 90's rap singer turned home contractor Vanilla Ice aka Robert Van Winkle? The show, The Vanilla Ice Project, follows Mr. Ice as he renovates a 7,000 square foot mansion.
It's nice to see that he decided to learn a trade and didn't waste the last 15 years.
Van Winkle has stepped into that rare pool of semi-celebrities who have bloomed outside the limelight after the 15-minute timer rang.
Another odd but successful career move: Who could have envisioned the success of the George Foreman grill? Large boxer. Oldest man ever to become the Heavyweight Boxing Champion. Ordained minister. Equals little tabletop grill? Not your standard equation.
Is there a link between faded celebrity, odd second act career choice, and reality TV?
Maybe. In addition to being America's foremost grill shill, George Foreman appeared as the judge on the reality show American Inventor.
And how about Steven Seagal? (Warning: If you follow the link to his site, the home page comes up with him singing. I mention it not only in case you are some place where blaring audio is a bad thing but also because I wouldn't want people around you to think that this is the kind of thing you like to listen to.) The martial arts expert who traveled to Japan to study and become successful for being one of the taller people there made a number of forgettable movies and a couple that I have to admit were kind of fun.
Seagal's website states that he has "unparralled {sic} passion for the arts that few can match." His passion for spelling does not rise as high. And there seems to be some confusion about what unparalleled means - unequalled, unique, unprecedented. So he is unique with some other people. Don't blame him - he's only the cook.
And, yes, Steven has waded into reality TV with Steven Seagal Lawman. This show was cancelled like poop through a goose last year when Mr. Seagal was involved in something so disturbing that I won't link to a description. If you haven't heard of the incident, then I guess you'll have to query it if you are curious.
I mention the unsavory allegations at all because the TV show website includes the opportunity to buy a bobblehead of Steve Seagal in his Lawman outfit. Hallelujah! Christmas is saved!
There are no second acts in American lives.
~F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sorry, Scott. The Vanilla Ice Project has been renewed for a second season. And good for him. We all need to think that there could be a second act ... and a third and a fourth, if necessary.
Without further ado, the first act. Word to your mother.
Tomorrow: Other Faded Celebrities Who Should Radically Change Jobs and Get Reality TV Shows
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